Griggstown Farm
George Rude
986 Canal Rd
Princeton, NJ 08540
908 359-5375
About Griggstown Farm
In 1973, Farmer George Rude began raising a handful of quail on two acres of a farm located in the small village of Griggstown in Princeton, N.J. At that time the farm was owned by Peter Josten. By the time Farmer George purchased the land from Josten in 1992, the Griggstown Quail Farm had grown to over 75 acres of land and had come to accommodate approximately 35,000 pheasants, 70,000 quail, 150,000 chickens and, when in season, Mallard and Muscovy ducks, turkeys, and partridge. All the birds were all natural (free of growth hormones and antibiotics) and allowed to range freely with out overcrowding, a standard Farmer George keeps to this day. In its early days, the Griggstown Quail Farm distributed to a few choice restaurants in the New York City area. Today, the prime distributor is D’Artagnan Inc., located in Newark, N.J. In addition, a number of other distributors and restaurants carry poultry raised on our farm. Some distributors in New York include Cittarella Market and Ottomanelli Sons, as well as a number of New York City restaurants. New Jersey restaurants that serve Griggstown Quail Farm poultry & game include The Bernardsville Inn, The Blue Bottle Café, Eno Terra, One 53, Brothers Moon, and Anton’s at the Swan. Our farm raised poultry and game can also be purchased at local farm markets during the spring, summer, and autumn months. The farm houses a USDA processing plant which processes poultry two to three days a week. Deliveries to all distributors and restaurants are made twice weekly. The farm sits just off Bunkerhill Road in Griggstown and passers by often see cows and horses peacefully grazing in the fields of The Griggstown Quail Farm. In the spring of 2009, the farm launched an exciting new CSA (Community Supported Agricultural Program).